You are still on time to organise your team’s holiday party

Our interactive quizzes are great in virtual version,
to combat isolation when working remotely and boost everyone’s morale

Why are our interactive quizzes so successful?
Quite simply because we’ve created them to be different from the rest, with plenty of interactive challenges, elaborate puzzles, anecdotes, media tests … Everything to allow teams to reconnect and laugh :-)

The virtual version, designed to replace the traditional social afterwork, has won unanimous support for over 18 months. The hybrid version, developed in recent months, has also surprised by its efficiency.

Played via our award-winning app, our quizzes encourages everyone to get involved and work together:

From 9,5€ to 100€ per person

Another good reason!

Our virtual quizzes are “carbon neutral” activities … why miss fun and good times with colleagues from all over the wold, when you can also be gentle to the planet?