Strings attached is an interactive workshop led by a string quartet (2 violins, 1 viola and 1 cello), which will allow you to study from close up the challenges to arrive at good teamwork.
What is the format? After a short concert by the quartet, David Ramael, Belgian conductor who made career in the USA, will show in a fun fashion the correct group mechanics that will lead to a successful result.
Immersive. Your participants are seated next to and close to the musicians, thus allowing them to observe in great detail the interactions among the musicians, and how they work together to achieve the perfect musical presentation.
Interactive. The emphasis is put on active listening, posture, non-verbal communication, feedback loops, group psychology, and teamspirit. Between the questions of the participants and the demonstrations of the musicians there will be a permanent dialogue. What better way to become inspired!
A top level partnership. David Ramael approaches his craft in a contemporary and atypical fashion. The musicians in the quartet were not only chosen for their talent, but also for the openness with which they share their passion with their audiences.
Bonus. Possibility for one-on-one networking, as well as a Q&A session with David Ramael!
Has the format of our activities been fixed? on the contrary, besides the bonuses we offer, we have tons of options to discuss with you, let’s talk!
Acquire and reinforce your leadership skills:
First step: listen actively, and not only with your ears
Second step: get involved, using posture as communication tool
Third step: how to give feedback in an impactful manner
Fourth step: letting go and know when not to interfere
Acquire and reinforce your leadership skills in a unique and fun environment. You will surprise your participants.